May 26, 2009

Creative Personality Checklist

Creative Personality Checklist, originally uploaded by Olly Moss.


hungover blog. its been awhile. i dont even own a pencil. FAIL


May 25, 2009

Roll 11: Domestic Days and Summer Crazed

All kinds of life happened in this roll. Domestic days of Grocery Shopping, Breakfast, Haircut, IKEA and Home Depot. (Didn't have enough time for Bed, Bath & Beyond!)

Followed by a superb and crazy post Madison Beach BBQ Roof Top Dance Party complete with delicious burnt hot dogs.

One of the longest weeks of my recent life haha... and this is only the beginning...

::takes deep breath::


May 19, 2009

Roll 10: I'm in to it

R10 this was when, originally uploaded by shaunwilliamcallahan.

i was 4 shots into this roll and all i wanted to do was burn through the rest so i could see how they turned out haha... free irish coffee, secret gardens, renegades, that good kind of trouble, good times and great fun.

In the process of tryin to burn through i did get some other shots im happy about too. but yea unexpected gifts at unexpected times? Im in to it ;)

May 8, 2009

Renton, WA and Star Trek... reviewed.. sorta

why was i in Renton you ask??

well the good people at Intel and Helwett Packard gave me and some other kids a free pass to the new Star Trek.... which before i saw it i was thinkin Star Trek 90210.. and i figured renton couldnt be sooo bad.

but golly was i wrong. RENTON...
yep pretty terrible...
as bad as they say.


and i got shwag! haha

lots of other random stories

but im tired... long story short.

stay away from RENTON unless you need IKEA and burger king.


stands alone as a great action sci-fi movie
but has a lot of goodies for the trekkies
which i can say i minored as one in my youth with my mom
(star trek VHS box set, next gen, deep space 9, voyager whaaaat?!?)

engage! and make it so bitches

<3 shaunwilliamcallahan

PS tomorrow starts 4 days off in a row...
hey good people. youknowhowtoreachme

May 6, 2009

anoche / this morning

cinco de mayo was pretty much ridiculous.

favorite line heard of the night haha. get it girl

"hey, do you wanna be each others rebound?"

reallly hungover.

this is helping.


4 day weekend coming up...

much needed vacay


May 4, 2009

Happy Star Wars Day

May the 4th be with you

click here

<3 shaunwilliamcallahan

May 2, 2009

Roll 9: Corazon

R9 Best of Luck., originally uploaded by shaunwilliamcallahan.

was a really strange roll of film. first time i used shitty film "rite aid " brand 400ISO... definitely can feel the difference between certain films and ISOs now.

anyway a lot of random moments and events happened during the time it took me to kill this roll. lots of emotions were runnin through my mind at this time.

itll be a nice lil time capsule haha

as long as i get one good shot and or memory out of every roll i take ill be happy :)

<3 shaunwilliamcallahan