December 6, 2009

Roll 17: Flashbacks & Flashes

A lot of heart and headaches went into this roll.

The heart came from 2 recipes and 4 pies. 2 which were delicious and 2 of which were edible haha. In a short period of time I've unfortunately lost the only blood related grandmas I had left. With the help of family and a few pointers from friends I came up with a recipe that reminded me of the Pecan Pies they made in my younger years.

On a lighter note the headaches were actually self induced haha. As stated in some other rolls I always seem to be in a battle with light and exposure. So I blew the dust of my old sunpack flash and read up on its original 80s manual and went to work. With no autofocus it took a lil practice and some measuring (and some shaving of my to get the shots in focus and fun.

I saw spots for over an hour after (while eating said delicious pie), but I'm glad finally attacked the flash which should open my options a bit more on these dark winter nights in this city I love.

thanks as always for the comments, views, favorites and reading of my rambles.

ShaunWilliamCallahan (III)

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