December 30, 2009

Back in the Poster Design grind

A good friend recently got me hooked up with a lil side work at Neumos designing some basic Band Posters. Though making all the flashy busy DJ posters back in the day was fun, I'm excited for simplistic and variety in my upcoming designs. the free music and $$$ is gonna be nice too :)


December 21, 2009

Roll 18: Blues, Blacks & Whites

blues man 4 R18, originally uploaded by shaunwilliamcallahan.

For 2 years in High School and 5 Semesters in college all I shot was Black & White. I also developed all my own rolls and developed my own prints. At some point life happened $$$$ and I switched majors from photo journalism to just journalism and photography became casual, digital and pocket sized...

When Film Photography and I made a mends the thought of shooting in Black & White didn't even cross my mind. This city is overwhelmingly colorful. Yet now on the brink of winter with rain, temperatures and colors dropping I felt like now was the time to get back to my roots a bit a buy a roll of Ilford B&W.

At the same time I have recently gotten back into all things Blues music (documentaries, books, albums, movies and doing my best to play some myself). Like photography, blues is something that has always been there and can get me where I need to be (good times or the not so good times).

On a typical hungover morning off I re-watched one of my favorite films of all time "Crossroads" with Ralph Macchio (not to be confused with the Britney Spears flic). Though it has some obvious flaws the overall tone, culture and direction of the film is fantastic. One particular scene always hits me where over a bottle of whiskey, Blues Harp master Willie Brown sits while Lightning Boy plays his guitar in a broken down hostel. At this point Willie says one of the simplest lines in the movie but hits me like a brick in the chest every time.

"The blues ain't nothin' but a good man feelin' bad, thinkin' 'bout the woman he once was with. "

Anyway I wanted to take a chance and pay respects to the overall tone and quote in this scene with a few shots (inspired by an assignment from my friends in the "Keep It Light" photo group.

I unfortunately lost a good amount of photos due to the clutch failing when rewinding my film. But the good people at 60min on 14th and a lil photoshop work myself I was able to save a few shots.


much love,

-the third

December 12, 2009

Po Dog... My newest lover.

Shaun William Callahan, originally uploaded by striv3.

random blog and pic stating my love for Po Dog. Also, respect to my boy Nas for grabbin this flic. bacon dog sliders.


December 6, 2009

Roll 17: Flashbacks & Flashes

A lot of heart and headaches went into this roll.

The heart came from 2 recipes and 4 pies. 2 which were delicious and 2 of which were edible haha. In a short period of time I've unfortunately lost the only blood related grandmas I had left. With the help of family and a few pointers from friends I came up with a recipe that reminded me of the Pecan Pies they made in my younger years.

On a lighter note the headaches were actually self induced haha. As stated in some other rolls I always seem to be in a battle with light and exposure. So I blew the dust of my old sunpack flash and read up on its original 80s manual and went to work. With no autofocus it took a lil practice and some measuring (and some shaving of my to get the shots in focus and fun.

I saw spots for over an hour after (while eating said delicious pie), but I'm glad finally attacked the flash which should open my options a bit more on these dark winter nights in this city I love.

thanks as always for the comments, views, favorites and reading of my rambles.

ShaunWilliamCallahan (III)

Roll 16: No Directshaun Home

A split roll of some of my old home Tucson and my current home Seattle. 16 was tough because it was 200 speed film and I kept finding myself in low light situations. But I stuck with and chased the sun and found some shots I was pretty pleased with.

And as stated in Roll 15 I loved being Tucson and will visit it always, but Seattle is home now with the good the bad and the ugly (and sometimes down right sexy).
